Flow Radiance

Flow Radiance Resources

  • New to all this? Check out my medium.com article Menstrual Cycle Awareness 101.
  • Music is life. #TRUTH. So if music is your go-to therapy, I have curated four spotify Menstrual Cycle Playlists - one that speaks to each phase of the cycle.
  • I have a podcast about all things wellness - with an emphasis on the feminine - including guided meditations, breath work & yoga nidra. It's available on Spotify and Apple Podcasts.
  • Want to explore your own menstrual story from menarche to today? I share my own personal menstrual story here as a guide for those wanting to delve into theirs.
  • My journey of yearly theme setting - a story to share my learnings and experiences of how theme setting each year has helped me grow.

Join The Flow Radiance Tribe & Get Your Free Cycle Charting Guide(Hey that rhymes!)

Just enter your name and email below to receive your free introductory guide to cycle charting.

You will also receive an email update from me periodically where I will be sharing all things cyclical living and self-care related, as well as little updates from my life (so we can get to know each other better!)